Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus treatment Clinic

Diagnosis by a doctor is crucial for tinnitus treatment. Tinnitus can have various causes, and successful treatment should address the underlying cause. While some people don't consider tinnitus a significant problem, for others, it can interfere with everyday sounds. Proper diagnosis is essential for effective tinnitus treatment at Trinity Hearing clinic in Sheffield and Rotherham. Our tinnitus clinic in Sheffield and Rotherham understands that tinnitus can lead to emotional turmoil, disrupt your work, social life, and sleep. Insufficient rest can significantly impact your overall health and well-being. Remember that you don't have to live with tinnitus. Our audiologist has over 15 years of experience dealing with tinnitus and knows how to evaluate it accurately. We have extensive knowledge of the available methods and technologies for managing it.

Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises that do not come from an outside source. Tinnitus can sound like: ringing, buzzing, whooshing, humming, hissing, throbbing, music or singing. You may hear these sounds in 1 or both ears or in your head. They may come and go, or you might hear them constantly.

    Tinnitus is a condition that is caused by an underlying issue, such as age-related hearing loss, an injury to the ear or a problem with the circulatory system. Many people find that treatment of the underlying cause or other treatments that reduce or mask the noise can help to improve tinnitus, making it less noticeable. If you are experiencing tinnitus, it may be helpful to visit a tinnitus treatment clinic where an audiologist can diagnose and assess your condition. At our Tinnitus treatment center in Sheffield, we have observed that earwax blockages in the ear canal can sometimes be a cause of tinnitus. However, tinnitus can also be a symptom of several health conditions.
  •       Brain tumours
  •       Noise-induced hearing loss
  •       Ear and sinus infections
  •          Hormonal changes in women
  •       Thyroid abnormalities
  •       Diseases of the heart or blood vessels

 Although over 6 million people in the UK have tinnitus, there is no primary treatment pathway for tinnitus patients within the NHS. Tinnitus is sometimes the first sign of hearing loss in older people. It also can be a side effect of medications.

Managing tinnitus can be an easy task for some individuals but not for everyone. If tinnitus affects one's quality of life and ability to concentrate or sleep, Trinity Hearing Clinic can provide assistance. Constant sound caused by tinnitus can cause anxiety and depression in the long run. This emotional strain can also worsen tinnitus symptoms.

It is important to get screened for tinnitus as it may indicate an underlying medical problem or health concern. Tinnitus can be caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices such as drinking, smoking, consuming too much caffeine, or maintaining an unhealthy diet. Additionally, tinnitus can be associated with allergies, diabetes, Meniere's Disease, circulatory issues, or thyroid conditions. As a result, your doctor should screen you for these underlying conditions to help you manage your tinnitus by addressing them.

After consulting with our specialist Audiologist at Trinity Hearing Clinic, we can help you manage and address your hearing concerns. To better understand your situation, we recommend that you take note of when your symptoms occur, how loud they are, how long they last, and any other relevant details. Additionally, we will ask about your past medical history and treatments, and conduct a thorough ear check-up. Our team of experts will make sure that the examination of your ear and hearing is painless, and that you feel comfortable and supported throughout the process.

We suggest that you consider Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) with Educational counselling and Sound therapy, which may involve the use of hearing aids or various options for calculated sound therapy/WNG. TRT is a method that helps individuals learn to cope with their tinnitus (ringing ears) on both a conscious and subconscious level, and has been shown to significantly improve quality of life and reduce stress. This therapy is similar to the sound of raindrops falling on a roof when first noticed, becoming less noticeable with time. The therapy targets the perceived source of tinnitus and aims to teach the brain to ignore it.

1. Gathering a vast amount of information about the patient's medical history and their daily routine.

2. Utilizing ear-worn devices that produce a wide range of sounds to shift the patient's focus away from the tinnitus.

3. Training the patient through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to disregard the sound of tinnitus. This practice is combined with relaxation techniques and stress management to reduce anxiety, allowing the patient to no longer perceive tinnitus as a threat and to shift their focus away from the sound. Our Audiology specialists are available to guide you through each step of the process towards finding the right solution for you. If you require tinnitus treatment, our clinic located in both Sheffield and Rotherham can assist you.

 Experimental therapies

Other institutions like Harvard University are exploring potential treatments for tinnitus. These treatments involve using small amounts of electricity to "zap" away tinnitus by decreasing the activity of overactive brain cells that amplify background noise. Two experimental therapies, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), use electromagnetic pulses to the scalp. However, it is important to exercise caution if offered such treatment because there is no conclusive evidence that passing electrical current into the brain will eliminate tinnitus.

Trinity Hearing Clinic

- During your first appointment, we will assess the severity of your symptoms and discuss a rehabilitative therapy programme tailored to your needs. 

- Our appointments usually last 60 minutes and take place in our clinics.

- In the first consultation, we will conduct a detailed interview to explore how tinnitus/hyperacusis affects your daily activities and mood, as well as the underlying mechanisms that disrupt your life.

- We will use the information gathered from the in-depth interview, as well as data from various questionnaires, to develop a treatment programme if necessary.

- For many patients, the initial consultation is sufficient. Patients and their loved ones have reported that this session has been the most enlightening in helping them understand the next steps to take.

The following tasks will be completed during the initial consultation: detailed questionnaires will be filled out based on the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) and psycho-audiological assessments will be performed. 

For many individuals, the initial assessment along with 1-3 follow-up therapy sessions may be sufficient to alleviate the issues caused by tinnitus or hyperacusis. However, for those experiencing severe symptoms, treatment may require 6 to 12 sessions.

Our approach is highly adaptable and dynamic, and aims to reduce the distress caused by tinnitus. The therapy teaches alternative ways of reacting cognitively to tinnitus and certain sounds (in the case of hyperacusis), which can modify the emotional disturbance caused by them.

The goal of the therapy is to enable the tinnitus percept to fade into the background and for the loudness and/or intrusiveness of external noises (in the case of hyperacusis) to subside.