Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus treatment Clinic

RTinnitus treatment clinics depend on an accurate diagnosis by your doctor. Tinnitus can have many causes. Successful treatment will address the root cause. Tinnitus can have many reasons. Successful treatment will address the root cause, and the tinnitus treatment in Sheffield will be more effective for you after diagnosis. The tinnitus may not show as a big issue for some, but later it can even seem to drown out everyday sounds.

 At THC, we have realised your difficulties, and it may cause emotional turmoil, disrupting your work, social life, and sleep.

When you don't get the rest you need, it can significantly affect your overall health and wellbeing. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to live with it. Our audiologist has over 15 years of experience working in the stream of tinnitus. We know how to properly evaluate tinnitus and have deep knowledge of the methods and technologies available to manage it.

Tinnitus is caused by an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, an ear injury or a problem with the circulatory system. For many people, tinnitus improves with treatment of the underlying cause or with other treatments that reduce or mask the noise, making tinnitus less noticeable. A tinnitus treatment clinic can help you to diagnose it and assess it by an audiologist. Tinnitus treatment in Sheffield as simple as a piece of earwax blocking the ear canal can cause tinnitus. But it can also be the result of several health conditions, such as;

  •       Brain tumours
  •       Noise-induced hearing loss
  •       Ear and sinus infections
  •          Hormonal changes in women
  •       Thyroid abnormalities
  •       Diseases of the heart or blood vessels

 Although over 6 million people in the UK have tinnitus, there is no primary treatment pathway for tinnitus patients within the NHS.

Tinnitus is sometimes the first sign of hearing loss in older people. It also can be a side effect of medications.

Tinnitus management is easy for some people but not for all. Trinity hearing clinic can help you if it affects your quality of life and ability to focus and sleep. In the long-term, tinnitus sufferers can experience anxiety and depression because of the constant sound. This emotional turmoil can also exacerbate tinnitus.

Along with the above concerns, it’s essential to be screened for tinnitus because it can be a symptom of an underlying medical problem or health concern. Tinnitus can result from poor lifestyle choices like drinking, smoking, too much caffeine, or an unhealthy diet. It can also be associated with allergies, diabetes, Meniere’s Disease, circulatory concerns, and thyroid conditions. This means your Doctor of Audiology from THC should screen for these underlying conditions so that you can treat your tinnitus by addressing them.

Trinity Hearing Clinic can help you after the assessment and management from our audiologist specialist. We suggest you write down the situations you experienced likewhen it’s loudest, how long it’s been happening, whether it changes, and any other descriptors or factors you can think of.

We will inquire about your previous medical history and treatments. An ear check-up is compulsory. There shall be some painless tests, which includes the examination of your loudness and pitch. Our experts will be friendly and helpful.

We highly recommend you for the Tinnitus Retraining Therapy[TRT] with Educational counselling and Sound therapy, using hearing aids or various options for calculated sound therapy/WNG.

 Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is a process of learning to cope with your tinnitus (also known as ringing ears) on a conscious and subconscious level. This methods very much support and help many people to  achieve better quality life and make stress reductions in Entire Life 

How Can be   compared this therapy to any of the sound in our real life , its may be the sound of raindrops falling on a roof when  noticed when it first starts raining, really but going unnoticed and put out of mind after some time.

hearing professionals Need Close Co Operation of the patient . The therapy is employed at the perceived source of tinnitus and aims to teach the brain to ignore it.

1. Extensive collection of information about the patient, including patient history and daily living habits.

 2. Use of devices worn behind the ear and generating broad-band noise to divert attention of the patient away from the tinnitus.

 3. Psychological therapy teaching the patient to ignore the tinnitus noise. This is combined with deep relaxation exercises and stress management. The object is the elimination of the patient's anxiety, so that the tinnitus is no longer perceived as a danger, thus diverting the concentration away from the tinnitus noise.

 Our expert Audiologist can help you through every step of finding the right solutions for you. Tinnitus treatment in Rotherham is helpful.

 Experimental therapies

Potential tinnitus treatments being studied elsewhere include therapies that aim to "zap" away tinnitus with tiny amounts of electricity. The idea is to minimize the activity of oversensitive brain cells that turn up the background noise.

These experimental therapies — repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) — deliver electromagnetic pulses to the scalp. But be careful if you're offered such a treatment.

"Even though There's no convincing evidence that passing electrical current into your brain is going to make your tinnitus go away. However rTMS have helped in many cases. The experienced staff at rTMSCenter ,Sheffield will make through examination before recommending it.

Trinity Hearing Clinic

Your first appointment typically involves an initial assessment of the severity of your symptoms, counselling and discussing a rehabilitative therapy programme that suits you. Appointments are typically 60 minutes and offered in our clinics.

In the first consultation, an in-depth interview will be conducted in order to explore the impact of tinnitus/hyperacusis on the patient’s day-to-day activities or mood and the underlying mechanism that these disturb the patient’s life. The information gathered via the in-depth interview in combination with the data collected from a wide range of questionnaires will be used in order to formulate a treatment programme if needed.

For many patients the initial consultation is all they might need. Patients and significant others report that the initial consultation was the most enlightening in helping them to understand how to move forward.

During the initial consultation the following tasks will be taken .Detailed questionnaires based on Tinnitus Handicap inventory[THI] and psycho-audiological assessment.

For many people the initial assessment with 1-3 follow therapy sessions may be enough to help them overcome the problems caused by their tinnitus, hyperacusis. For people experiencing severe symptoms treatment may take between 6 to 12 sessions. Our approach is very flexible and dynamic way of reducing tinnitus distress. The aim of the therapy is to learn alternative ways of cognitively reacting to tinnitus and certain sounds (in the case of hyperacusis ) which will modify the emotional disturbance caused by them. This makes it possible for tinnitus percept to fade away to the background and the loudness and/or intrusiveness of the external noises (in the case of hyperacusis) to subside.